"Mishaps are detours, not dead-end streets"  


Night photography can be a fun activity. That is, if your definition of fun involves taking photos in the coldest part of the day and waiting for long periods of time for the right exposure. The results, however, can be rewarding, as the camera is able to pick up details that will often escape our human eyes. This photo is best enjoyed if stared at pensively from different angles with squinty eyes, preferably while having some Shakira playing in the background. Yes, Classy is my middle name.

“All power corrupts, but we need electricity”  


The geometric shapes and the symmetry formed by the intersecting lines make this photo interesting to look at. If you forget for a moment that this is an electrical tower viewed from below and let your eyes be guided by the lines, it almost starts to look like a tunnel to the sky. Of course, a tunnel where you'd be electrocuted or you'd fall off if you didn't watch your step. Come to think of it, I probably shouldn't have been down there to begin with. The things one does for a semi-interesting photo nobody will take a second look at.

“You don't have to travel around the world to understand that the sky is blue everywhere”  


But it sure was a little bluer that day in Washington, D.C. To say this was a lucky shot, and that magnificent blue sky and the great lighting were pure luck, that, my friends, would be an understatement. I literally got off a bus, took the above picture and then left. I don't know how you can resist such talent.

“Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat”  


Here's a picture of a boat. It was taken during an incredibly warm but cloudy night in the south of Albania. The only light coming from the sea was of this boat. On an unrelated note, don't ask me what the quotations in the titles mean. They're the result of a little something I like to call "blind googling". I guess you could say, I'm a classy guy.

“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding”  


This photo was taken at a rocky beach in the south of Albania. Walking there can be tricky and a bit of a pain. This was a shell I almost stepped on while going for a swim, but instead I decided to take a photo of it. Then, I furiously and repeatedly stepped on it, breaking it into tiny little pieces. No, I actually brought it home with me and managed not to break it. True story.