"A room without a book is like a body without a soul"  


Granted, I use mine for purposes other than reading. I'd rather be playing and doodling on mine. Here, the folded pages, the light, and the colours transformed it into an exotic life form, or into a peacock. Abstract photography at its finest. The librarian will love hearing about this when I return it.

Crossed my mind  


Here's a photo taken at a playground. The goal was to look at things from a different angle. The long shadows in the background and that dirty red really add to the already dramatic look of what resembles a cross drenched in blood. (So poetic, right?) And no, I don't usually hang out at playgrounds. Well, not all the time.



Here's a picture of the Toronto skyline I took right after a storm. The clouds were reflecting the sunset and had these soothing colours. As they say, after the storm comes a calm.

R & R  


There seems to be a theme of beach photos on my site. Seriously, who doesn't enjoy relaxing on a beach, away from the noise of city life and close to the relaxing sound of the waves hitting the shore? Yeah, I hate it too.



Notice how she's just sitting back, relaxing on the beach, catching some rays... I'm pretty sure all women wear little bikinis and pose like that when they're at the beach. I like to draw things that are realistic.

Gimmy the skinny  


Here's what happens you have too much to drink. You forget to draw the rest of the body. I should lay down the beer.

A drawing of a girl  


I'm not sure where I was going with this drawing. Sometimes I will start to draw a portrait without really having anyone particular in mind. I think it started off with Avril Lavigne, but it has some Leelee Sobieski, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in it. Basically, all the weird-looking ones. Friendly advice: I wouldn't look into her eyes for too long.



I like drawing animals. What you have here is a kitty. Notice how the shading was done so that areas blend gently into one another. Sfumato, anyone?



This is Eliza Dushku, an actress of Albanian descent not many may know about. She's been in True Lies, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, in a movie about cheerleaders called Bring It On, and on some other stuff. It's possible that this drawing could be the most asymmetrical portrait ever made -- look at the unaligned shoulders, eyes, and an extremely long neck I (cleverly) covered with some hair. But maybe that's what makes it special. I remember a friend from school, Amelia, saw this drawing and immediately suggested I create this website. So maybe this is where it all started. Cheers!

Empty Glass  


This is what happens once I'm done drinking, I start drawing the glasses. I'm sure everyone else does it too. And the glass is not a metaphor for life. It's just glass. I have to admit, however, that dealing with the highlights, shadows, middle tones, and reflections of glass really tests your patience.



This drawing depicts a younger Britney when she was unmarried and her looks still made up for her voice. But things change. The drawing, however, is not that bad, and I think some people will appreciate it.



The David and Goliath story has always intrigued me and it has now become a proverbial example of the small guy being able to win a victory over the big guy. Many people have tried to retell this story (see: Dave and the Giant Pickle) and so I decided to do the same. I actually painted this one some time ago (in high school) but it just made it to the website because the page really needed a piece in colours.

Tennis Serve  


Action shot such as this require luck or patience. Or both in my case. The fact that it was a sunny day helped with the sharpness of this photo. The clear blue sky makes for a great background and is no too distracting to the eye.

Haunted Lake  


This is a picture I took at a park in Toronto. Because of the cloudy weather, there were some cool shadows that give professional quality lighting and a haunted feeling to landscape shots like this.



Here's a shot I took of a brown falcon, blown by a snowstorm into the city, with its eyes fixated on its prey. When you're shooting wildlife you have to get in really tight. In this case, the wildlife came in really tight all on its own, which was when I realized that falcons have some big sharp claws. This could have gotten ugly.



Here's a picture I took on a bright sunny day in Toronto. And just in case you were wondering, the trick to getting this type of shot is to shoot at the longest zoom at the flower and bumblebee level (they don't like it when you shoot down on them), so that background is out of focus. The shot was taken in natural light, but the sun had tucked behind some clouds so there was no harsh direct light. You know, just in case you were wondering.

Farm worker in Durres, Albania  


Here's a picture I took of a farm worker and his donkey in a hot day in Durres, Albania. This is an example of why it might be a good idea to always have your camera with you (because you never know when a donkey will appear out of nowhere). I captured this photo in one shot. I'm awesome, right? Either that, or the farmer didn't feel like posing for me and left me no choice. I deserve a pat in the back.

Beach Rocks!  


This is a picture of some beach rocks overlooking mountains, taken in southern Albania. You've got the foreground (the rocks), the middle ground (mountain), and background (sky), creating a sense of depth in the photograph. It's also an example of the importance of getting down and dirty and shooting your object from a different angle. Sure, those rocks might hurt you in places where you'd rather not get hurt, but who needs kids anyway? I mean, it's all in the name of art.

Monica Belluci  


This is just one of the many drawings of Monica Bellucci that I've done and intend to do. She's been in Tears of the Sun, Malena, The Matrix, The Passion of the Christ, and many more. Probabilmente una delle donne piu belle nel mondo... But maybe that's just me. I think my bro will enjoy this one too.

Blue, Rocky Ionian Sea  


Here's another picture I took in southern Albania in Summer '08. The colours are really that vibrant. No need for Photoshop there.

Rocky beach in southern Albania  


Southern Albania, known for the rock-strewn landscape, and crystal waters of the Ionian Sea. The house seen in the right-hand corner is called “Leaders’ Rest House” since many of the communist government leaders would stay there on vacations.

Sunset Ducks  


Here's another picture I took in Washington of the Washington Monument. Some ducks somehow found themselves in the shot. Well, actually I waited until they got in the frame as they would give this picture a sense of life and scale.

Dancing Trees  


Here's a picture I took of some trees. I took this when I went to visit Washington, D.C. Everything looks better in the early evening (or morning) light when the sun is just below the horizon. Even trees.

Yours Truly  


Drawing self-portraits is not an easy thing to do. You have to look at yourself critically and try to portray something that can't be captured by a photographer. A deeper resemblance, if you will. Although it might look like the opposite, the focus here is on the face, and the clothes have taken a chalky, secondary place. I think I could have spent more time on this one, but drawing yourself is not really as much fun as it might sound.



This is another drawing of a baby (not a sculpture this time). I really like the expression of the face. It looks funny. I'm not sure what I was wearing that day but, whatever it was, I think I was quite the fashionable one.



This is another one of my sketchbook drawings. I could find many little errors in this drawing, but let's focus on the good. I chose it because I really liked the old-fashioned look of this photograph (and the actress isn't too bad-looking either). Some of those things you may notice the most: eyes, mouth, hand, and so forth.

The Samurai  


I had started this painting a few days before the beginning of 2nd year at university. I only completed it after the December exams. Two movies served as inspiration: The Last Samurai, and the other is a movie a friend lent me, Kill Bill. After watching those two I knew what my next project was going to be. The actual size of the painting is bigger than most of my other ones.

Baby Sculpture  


This is probably one of my most well-liked pieces of art. It’s a pencil drawing of a baby sculpture. It took me long, long days to finish. Of course, finding the subject may have taken longer.

Still Life  


This was the second oil painting I’d ever done. Some paintings hide a certain pattern. This one has a diagonal flow to it: from the top right corner (the top of the bottle) to the bottom left corner (the flowers). The point is to break the diagonal flow with something. In this case, the brightest flower on top of the other ones does this. Another pattern is the triangle formed by the flowers. If you squint your eyes a bit, the triangle is the only thing you see. The flower at the top of the triangle (the one that also breaks the diagonal flow) is supposed to be the focal point of this painting.

Horse Sculpture  


Yes, it’s the head of a horse sculpture. It’s another one of those drawings where you have to concentrate on having all the correct proportions and doing justice to the original. I think it looks more impressive if you see it live. On this web page it looks a little creepy. Especially those lifeless eyes.

Sleepy Head  


She's not princess Leia of Star Wars. It’s another one of those sculptures I like to draw. I think she appears to be very life-like if you look at the actual drawing I have at home (like she might open her eyes at any moment). I sure hope she was just sleeping when the sculpture was made and not dead or something.



Although this may not be one of my best drawings, I think it’s cool. I particularly like her hand. I liked the challenge of drawing something like this in a linear perspective (the way the hand looks bigger than the body gives this drawing the illusion of space). Do you know who was known for the greatest perspective sense in his art? That's my good friend, Da Vinci.

Human Back  


I found this picture on a magazine. It was for a back pain advertisement, but I still thought it deserved a place on my sketchbook. Let the drawing speak for itself...